Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I always want to blog, but I never know what to say, or write.. I am never sure if people want to really know about my daily news, to me it isn’t too exciting..

Where do you start with a cooking blog!?
I don’t know..
but I guess I will start with why

I decided to start a cooking blog because I do get frequent texts, emails, etc of new recipes, so why not share them to many other people? Cooking has become a hobby of mine. I love the southern type of cooking. I like to give someone a loaf of bread just because, bake a cake because it’s your birthday, or bring a meal if you’ve been stressed. I enjoy cooking for others. I feel like it is the “Remmel” side of my family I got it from. On my mother’s side of the family, my great Grandma Remmel would cook and watch everyone enjoy her meal. She wanted to make sure everyone was “fat & happy” so to speak. I notice I at times.. I am the same way.
Growing up I didn’t really cook at all.

For those of you that come across this page and do not know me, my name is Brandee. I am 25 years of age, and am currently going to National University in La Jolla, Ca, majoring in Early Childhood. I will receive my Bachelors in May –whoot!I enjoy cooking, obviously, reading, shopping, laughing with my girlfriends, and reality television. I currently live in California, but am from Texas. Not my choice, promise. Im a Texas girl at heart, I just fell in love with a Marine.
I married this wonderful man, Shelby Adam when I turned 21. Shelby and I began dating in high school, and I cannot tell you enough how lucky I am to have this man as my husband. He joined the USMC in 2003, and will be getting out at the end of June this year. We have a lot to look forward to this year.

Not only am I lucky enough to have Shelby as a husband, but I have this perfect little princess as a daughter. Miss Reese Ann is 8 months old and a pure joy in both our lives. She is so much fun, our little sassy Diva, and I swear if you see Reese in public she always has a bow in her hair. Love it! :-)

When I married Shelby, I knew as a wife’s duty you should cook your husband dinner. My husband didn’t have the best upbringing. No offense to anyone, but I flipped when Shelby wanted to make mashed potatoes and said we needed hungry jack. He didn’t know how to make homemade mashed potatoes. He knew very little about a full on home cooked meal. It couldn’t help but make me feel a little spoiled. So, it kind of ended up being my motivator. My husband and I both enjoy cooking now, and do almost everything homemade. With having Reese, I have also been making her homemade baby food. It is a chore sometimes, let me tell you. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We love to have people over for dinner parties just to entertain and cook for great company.

I look forward to sharing recipes and ideas! I am SO open to guest bloggers, questions, requests, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited you started this and we LOVE your chicken parm recipe. Everyone I've made it for says its great!
